Per = through, with, by, by means of
cur : why, wherefore
*am 3-5 1p ft act ind I shall see, I shall be seeing.
placeo : (+ dat.) to please, be agreeble to
v *bimus 1-2 1p ft act ind we shall see, we shall be seeing.
By means of wherefore I shall see to please we shall see ?????
curam = care ; cure
placebimus = give pleasure ; satisfy
Could this be a building with medical connection in the past?
Through Care we will Please (or Satisfy)
I've not been doing this long, but this is my understanding
Per = Through
Curam = First Declension Noun "Care" declined to the accusative case, so is the object of the sentance.
Placebimus = the verb to please, third conjucation , ending for first person plural (We)
I'm not too sure on my future tense so I would read this as "Through Care We Please" rather than "Through Care We Would Please"
This looks like a building in central Glasgow which has a history with various large insurance/assurance companies.
I know it from playing there for a week or two in the school holidays when it was used for a period in the 70's as a temporary office for Friends Provident Life Assurance, during their Blythswood Square office refurbishment.
This building may have been picked because other insurance/assurance companies associated with the Friends Provident group were located there eg Sun Life, Century, Pheonix.
Study of the shield and entrance will provide further clues.
The style of castles on the shield also used to appear on "Friends Provident & Century" headed note paper.
There are a pair of griffins on the "gate posts" of the entrance &
the brass door handles to the main storm doors look like eagle heads or maybe Phoenix heads.
rgds, Nigel.
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