Monday 30 June 2008

30-06 Dumbarton Rock

Sunset over Dumbarton Rock -

Apologies I've been a bit lax with my postings - and I have been forgetting to take my camera to work - well today I was punished - rush hour and all of a sudden the car in front of me stopped and I could see the traffic on the other side had already stopped - to my amazement it turned out to be two swans taking their young one's - all four of them for a stroll down this main road - and where was my camera - at home . . . AAAAArrrrghhh! (It was an absolutely lovely site - not a care in the world and chaos all around them - very reaffirming! I promise to carry my camera at all times

1 comment:

Mags said...

Like the different angle you have taken this from,away from the usual ones. Mags