Tuesday, 30 September 2008

29 / 30 Sep - Crane 4

OK last one - I'm milking it now . . . lol

Hmm - camera problems - I have had a problems with the batteries but now another clasp seems to have broken which means I have to push down / up to ensure that they make contact otherwise I have no power - problem is I have to apply so much pressure that it shakes and can quite easily cause a blur . . . hmm - will need to take it in so they can tell me whether it can be fixed or what the prognosis is . . .

27 / 28 Sep - Crane 3

From another angle

25 / 26 Sep Crane 2

I know I am cheating a wee bit . . . but I just loved the enormity / scale of the crane

24 Sep Crane

Road closed and some heavy work on the go . . .

23 Sep - Sauchiehall Street

21 / 22 Sep - Autumn

Well here we are proof - the weather is changing . .

20 Sept

High speed car chase - well a fire engine drove past (those are the blue lights up ahead) - this is my attempt to take the photo from the car - well of course someone else was driving . . . . lol

Friday, 19 September 2008

The alleyway

behind the buildings . . .

arch 7

The window

arch 6

The Protector:

Arch 4

Loved the figures on either side and above doorway

Saturday, 13 September 2008

Glasgow Architecture

Two statues look down upon an entrance to a building - one male - one female - he has something slung over his shoulder (a chord runs across his body attached to this device?? . . . almost as if he is listening to something. . ? note the object at his left foot? a beehive?) - she seems to be carrying a bouquet . . I wonder what they have seen over the years . . ????

Glasgow Architecture

I have taken a series of photo's and will continue exploring this over the next few days . . .weeks . . as long as holds my interest . . . - this photo speaks of grandeur from days gone past . . . this is next Central Station and is attached to the hotel at the station . . . strange it's almost like a door up there???

Thursday, 11 September 2008

Per Curam Placebimus

Help Can anyone help me to translate this Latin . . . what I have thus far . . see below

Per = through, with, by, by means of

cur : why, wherefore

*am 3-5 1p ft act ind I shall see, I shall be seeing.

placeo : (+ dat.) to please, be agreeble to

v *bimus 1-2 1p ft act ind we shall see, we shall be seeing.

By means of wherefore I shall see to please we shall see ?????

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Dublin 8 -

monument in the park . . .

Big shinty game on the Sunday

Dublin 7 - the Manne - Phil's Stag Party

Matt; Cedrig; Ambar; and the MAN himself Phil;

Mwa; Cedrig; Ambar and Phil (this was at the end of the evening 02h30)

Boomerang and Hard Rock - that was the weekend . . lol

The Manne at Breakfast / Lunch

Dublin 6 - Hen party

Garda keeping an eye on things

Hen groups all over the place

more Hens

Dublin 5 -

Fountain . . surrounded by . . .sculpture

Another circle . . . another sculpture

Dublin 4 -

Christ Church Cathedral: 1030

Olympia Theatre

Old and new meet . . .

Dublin 3 -

a side street


a hotel & pub

Dublin 2 - Temple

Temple bars

Busker with an amazing sounding instrument - somewhere between a harp and a guitar

The Temple bar . . .

Dublin 1

coat of arms . .

Downtown Dublin

Downtown 2

2 Sep - Sunset

loved the colours in the sunset . . .

the colours are framed . . . looks like an explosion . . .

1 Sep - Car Park

phase 9 - Catch up - Edinburgh

St Giles

Johan & Franise leave St Giles

Narrow Alleyway

John Knox's house

Phase 8 - Catch up - Edinburgh Castle

A collection of photo's taken whilst visiting Edinburgh Castle

Busy streets

Fransie and Johan

minus Johan and Fransie (this is the wat museum behind them with the names of all the Scots that have died during the wars)

pit stop - expensive cafe

The Walter Scott monument through cannon position . . .